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Tel. +39 0290 3634 64 - Contacts
Advanced Labelling Technologies
Our ALstep and ALritma self-adhesive label applicators work every day in our clients' packaging lines, spread over 50 countries around the world.
ALstep is a compact, low-cost self-adhesive label applicator with solid and reliable mechanical components which can adapt to the most demanding industrial environments and particularly cramped spaces.
The high performance of ALritma series microprocessor-controlled self-adhesive labellers allows them also to be installed in very fast packaging lines.
The ALritma X self-adhesive label applicator sets itself apart with its extraordinary capacity, working time, precision and speed.
A L T E C H s r l - Viale de Gasperi, 70 - 20008 Bareggio (MI) - Italy - P. IVA 08676110151 Tel. +39 0290 3634 64 - Fax +39 02 90 3634 81 - Contacts
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